The Content Fuel Framework Workbook


This 75+ page PDF workbook is the perfect companion to “The Content Fuel Framework: How to Generate Unlimited Story Ideas,” offering chapter-by-chapter prompts, activities, worksheets and more to facilitate content idea generation.

The workbook contains exercises and prompts for each chapter of the book, helping you to generate 400+ specific content ideas, and then walks you through the process of turning each of those ideas into 3-5 more related ideas. Completing the workbook would mean coming up with 1000+ content ideas, which would mean 3+ years worth of daily content pieces.

The workbook can be completed either as you read the book, or after you’ve read (simply refer back to the book for reference if you need a reminder).

The workbook is delivered as a PDF, which can be filled-in digitally or printed for hand-written completion, if preferred.


”This was a wonderful add on to the book. In fact I’d say that anyone who has bought the book needs the workbook.” — Tim Gibney, The Resilience Doctor

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